I have added a few examples to the function help on the use and output examples.
function Merge-Hashtables { <# .SYNOPSIS Merges two hash tables with the option to remove all null key/value pairs. .DESCRIPTION This function will take two hash tables and merge the second hash table to the first. Any keys in the second hash table that exist in the .EXAMPLE Merge-Hashtables $HashOne $HashTwo The basic example will merge the two hashtables not removing nulls and skipping existing keys from the second hashtable. Deeper Example: =========================================================================== PS C:\> $HashOne = @{One='1';Two='2';Three=$null} PS C:\> $HashTwo = @{Two='Two';Three='3';Four='4';Five='5'} PS C:\> Merge-Hashtables $HashOne $HashTwo Name Value ---- ----- Five 5 Two 2 Three One 1 Four 4 .EXAMPLE Merge-Hashtables $HashOne $HashTwo -RemoveNulValues This example removes key value pairs that have a value of NULL. Also it skips merging existing keys from the second hashtable. Deeper Example: =========================================================================== C:\PS> $HashOne = @{One='1';Two='2';Three=$null} C:\PS> $HashTwo = @{Two='Two';Three='3';Four='4';Five='5'} C:\PS> Merge-Hashtables $HashOne $HashTwo -RemoveNulValues Name Value ---- ----- Five 5 Two 2 One 1 Four 4 .EXAMPLE Merge-Hashtables $HashOne $HashTwo -RemoveNulValues -ForceValue This example removes key value pairs that have a value of NULL. Also on existing keys it updates the value with the value from the second hashtable. This example Deeper Example: =========================================================================== PS C:\> $HashOne = @{One='1';Two='2';Three=$null} PS C:\> $HashTwo = @{Two='Two';Three='3';Four='4';Five='5'} PS C:\> Merge-Hashtables $HashOne $HashTwo -RemoveNulValues -ForceValue Name Value ---- ----- Five 5 Two Two Three 3 One 1 Four 4 .NOTES Original Author: Norman Skinner (Edgile Inc.) (v-nskin) Original Created on: 11/30/2012 Version: HISTORY: ===========#==============#====================================== Date | User | Description -----------+--------------+-------------------------------------- 11/30/2012 | v-nskin | Created script -----------+--------------+-------------------------------------- | | -----------+--------------+-------------------------------------- | | -----------+--------------+-------------------------------------- | | -----------+--------------+-------------------------------------- #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0,HelpMessage= 'Enter the first hashtable to be merged into.')] [hashtable] # The hashtable to be merged into. $HashTable, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=1,HelpMessage= 'Enter the second hashtable to be merged into the first hashtable.')] [hashtable] # The second hash table to be merged into the first hash table. $HashTableToMerger, [switch] <# If this switch is used, any keys that exist in the first hash table will have their values updated with matching keys value in the second hash table. #> $ForceValue = $false, [switch] # If this switch is used, all key/value pairs with NULL values will be removed. $RemoveNulValues = $false ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' foreach($Key in [array]$HashTableToMerger.Keys) { if ($HashTable.ContainsKey($Key)) { if ($ForceValue) { # Force the value update for this key $HashTable[$Key] = $HashTableToMerger[$Key] } } else { # Add the new key value pair $HashTable.Add($Key, $HashTableToMerger[$Key]) } } if ($RemoveNulValues) { foreach($Key in [array]$HashTable.Keys) { if ($HashTable[$Key] -eq $null) { $HashTable.Remove($Key) } } } Write-Output $HashTable }
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